Lesson 5
Part 1. Cutting panties
What is the video about
We cut panties according to the division
We cut the gusset along the grain.
Finished gusset is approximately 13 cm
Finished gusset is approximately 13 cm
Part 2. Sewing in the central elastic and gusset
What is the video about
1. Sew on the central elastic band on the butt 2. Process the gusset 3. Sew on the gusset
Part 3. Design of the cut-out lines for the legs
What is the video about
4. We process the cutout lines for the legs with an elastic band. Method 1 - we lay 2 seams with a straight stitch - one closer to the left edge, the second - along the right edge, then cut off the excess, tuck and stitch with a zigzag Method 2 - we lay 1 seam with a straight stitch in the center, then turn it under, sew with a zigzag and cut off the excess
Part 4. Design of the top line of panties
О чем видео
5. We process the upper seams with an elastic band (in any of 2 ways)
6. We create a “tick” (the cut of the central elastic band at the back should be hidden under this “tick”)